A Transparent Fever

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Manga Author:
Tsunami Minatsuki
Manga Genre:
Shojo Manga
Manga Publisher:
Manga Story:
"When you like that special someone so much that you can hardly stand it..."
I did not understand that it was that kind of love when I said yes to his invitation. But when he began to talk about the person he liked, I could not handle this annoyed feeling...
Manga Author:
Tsunami Minatsuki
Manga Genre:
Shojo Manga
Manga Publisher:
Manga Story:
"When you like that special someone so much that you can hardly stand it..."
I did not understand that it was that kind of love when I said yes to his invitation. But when he began to talk about the person he liked, I could not handle this annoyed feeling...

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I love this manga. It was awesome because she didn't know what the feeling of love was like and yet she was feeling it all along! The misunderstandings, of course, are really annoying but the two love each other so that's what matters. It was so cute seeing how they both reacted to holding hands and during the date; even when they were socializing with each other was really cute. Overall, awesome read, cute characters and an adorable manga!!!
Mar 29
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Jan 31
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