The Darkest Whisper 2
Total 14 chapters
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Manga Tags:
MangaAdapted from NovelRomanceRomance: FreeHarlequin: SupernaturalHarlequin: FantasyHarlequin: ActionManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
“I will protect you, Sabin.” Gwen and Sabin are on the run from a group of fanatics and hunters who are pursuing them, until finally Gwen suffers a deep wound and the chase is ended by Sabin. She just wanted, with all her heart, to protect Sabin. Even though he wants to use her abilities as a harpy, she has still become enamored with him. Evil spirits continue to bewilder and cast suspicion on them through many sinister plots, but they overcome them with their love. Just as they start to fully trust each other, an ironic twist of fate surfaces. After all their hard work of trying to reach each other, they arrive at a final confrontation. What will become of them?Manga Tags:
MangaAdapted from NovelRomanceRomance: FreeHarlequin: SupernaturalHarlequin: FantasyHarlequin: ActionManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
“I will protect you, Sabin.” Gwen and Sabin are on the run from a group of fanatics and hunters who are pursuing them, until finally Gwen suffers a deep wound and the chase is ended by Sabin. She just wanted, with all her heart, to protect Sabin. Even though he wants to use her abilities as a harpy, she has still become enamored with him. Evil spirits continue to bewilder and cast suspicion on them through many sinister plots, but they overcome them with their love. Just as they start to fully trust each other, an ironic twist of fate surfaces. After all their hard work of trying to reach each other, they arrive at a final confrontation. What will become of them?
Vol. 1
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