To Marry McCloud
Total 12 chapters
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Manga Tags:
RomanceRomance: FreeHarlequin: DramaAdapted from NovelMangaHarlequin: One-night-stand LoveManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Fergus is gloomily tipping back drinks in a nightclub when an exceptionally beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes appears. Her name is Chloe. Somehow, she knows he's a popular writer and she begins tossing questions at him. Is she a fan? Or a reporter? Fergus is suspicious at first, but after the alcohol sets in... The next morning, he wakes up in bed next to Chloe. He slept with a total knockout but doesn’t remember a thing!Manga Tags:
RomanceRomance: FreeHarlequin: DramaAdapted from NovelMangaHarlequin: One-night-stand LoveManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Fergus is gloomily tipping back drinks in a nightclub when an exceptionally beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes appears. Her name is Chloe. Somehow, she knows he's a popular writer and she begins tossing questions at him. Is she a fan? Or a reporter? Fergus is suspicious at first, but after the alcohol sets in... The next morning, he wakes up in bed next to Chloe. He slept with a total knockout but doesn’t remember a thing!
Vol. 1
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