Virgin Slave, Barbarian King 1
Total 12 chapters
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Manga Tags:
Harlequin: NoblesMangaHarlequin: HistoricalRomance: FreeRomanceHarlequin: BillionairesAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
The beginning of the fifth century—the flourishing Roman Empire has been attacked by the Visigoths and is becoming a lawless state. Julia, the daughter of an aristocrat, escapes the chaos and conflagration that fills the town—but is then captured by the mob. A strong Visigoth man accompanied by a wolf saves her at the last minute. The man with the long blond hair is Wulfric, the King of Wolves! Julia thanks him, but he only takes her in his arms and says, “Rome is ours. And so are you.” Julia is abducted as a slave! A historical epic of love and fate!Manga Tags:
Harlequin: NoblesMangaHarlequin: HistoricalRomance: FreeRomanceHarlequin: BillionairesAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
The beginning of the fifth century—the flourishing Roman Empire has been attacked by the Visigoths and is becoming a lawless state. Julia, the daughter of an aristocrat, escapes the chaos and conflagration that fills the town—but is then captured by the mob. A strong Visigoth man accompanied by a wolf saves her at the last minute. The man with the long blond hair is Wulfric, the King of Wolves! Julia thanks him, but he only takes her in his arms and says, “Rome is ours. And so are you.” Julia is abducted as a slave! A historical epic of love and fate!
Vol. 1
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