Total 12 chapters
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Manga Tags:
MangaHarlequin: Secret Child/BabyHarlequin: ItalianHarlequin: DramaRomance: FreeRomanceAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Sophie, a chambermaid at a first-class hotel in Rome, meets guest Bastiano Conti, a gorgeous Italian tycoon. The two connect instantly over their love of Sicily and an undeniable attraction to one another. They begin a secret relationship…with everything going well until they are found out. Sophie, disgraced, finds herself out of a job, alone and…pregnant!Manga Tags:
MangaHarlequin: Secret Child/BabyHarlequin: ItalianHarlequin: DramaRomance: FreeRomanceAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Sophie, a chambermaid at a first-class hotel in Rome, meets guest Bastiano Conti, a gorgeous Italian tycoon. The two connect instantly over their love of Sicily and an undeniable attraction to one another. They begin a secret relationship…with everything going well until they are found out. Sophie, disgraced, finds herself out of a job, alone and…pregnant!
Vol. 1
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