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Manga Author:
Dani Collins YU ASAMI
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
When Princess Galila of the Kingdom of Khalia is summoned to her brother’s office, she is shocked to see who’s there. It’s the man who had kindly comforted her the night before, leaving her with a precious kiss. Her delight in seeing him again is short-lived, though. He is Sheikh Karim of Zyria and he’s there to ask for her hand in marriage. It all feels too sudden, but there’s a secret held by the royal family…
Manga Author:
Dani Collins YU ASAMI
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
When Princess Galila of the Kingdom of Khalia is summoned to her brother’s office, she is shocked to see who’s there. It’s the man who had kindly comforted her the night before, leaving her with a precious kiss. Her delight in seeing him again is short-lived, though. He is Sheikh Karim of Zyria and he’s there to ask for her hand in marriage. It all feels too sudden, but there’s a secret held by the royal family…


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By The Same Manga Author


From The Same Manga Publisher (Harlequin / SB Creative)
