Total 14 chapters
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5 chapters FREE for member
Manga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Mistress for Hire—Lisa is posing for her artist roommate, Tim, when he leaves for some fresh air. In walks his uncle, the dashing and arrogant entrepreneur Matt Lansdon. Seeing her naked, he disapproves of her from the start…but then he accuses her of something far worse..The Cinderella Valentine—Polly can’t believe the bad luck she has on her first day at her new waitressing job. The handsome Italian manager, Luc, keeps a close eye on her at work...but is there something more in his gaze?
Manga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Mistress for Hire—Lisa is posing for her artist roommate, Tim, when he leaves for some fresh air. In walks his uncle, the dashing and arrogant entrepreneur Matt Lansdon. Seeing her naked, he disapproves of her from the start…but then he accuses her of something far worse..The Cinderella Valentine—Polly can’t believe the bad luck she has on her first day at her new waitressing job. The handsome Italian manager, Luc, keeps a close eye on her at work...but is there something more in his gaze?

Vol. 1
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