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Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
In the thirteenth century, on an isolated island in the far north of Europe, Ulrika, the daughter of a Viking chief, is at a loss after her brother was kidnapped. She stumbles upon a Scottish aristocrat named Grant who has landed on their shores, and she comes up with an idea: if she carries out out a sham marriage with him, she will be able to receive a large dowry from her father. Then she can pay the ransom to get her brother back! Grant is different from the men on the island and unexpectedly her heart beats fast throughout the wedding ceremony. But can this elegant man learn to love a woman who behaves like a man?
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
In the thirteenth century, on an isolated island in the far north of Europe, Ulrika, the daughter of a Viking chief, is at a loss after her brother was kidnapped. She stumbles upon a Scottish aristocrat named Grant who has landed on their shores, and she comes up with an idea: if she carries out out a sham marriage with him, she will be able to receive a large dowry from her father. Then she can pay the ransom to get her brother back! Grant is different from the men on the island and unexpectedly her heart beats fast throughout the wedding ceremony. But can this elegant man learn to love a woman who behaves like a man?


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