The Last Rogue 1
Total 12 chapters
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Manga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Raleigh, a notorious playboy of London society, wakes up after drunkenly visiting a country vicarage to find Jane, the vicar's daughter, sleeping next to him. Without any memory of what happened, he marries her to uphold appearances. A vicar's daughter and a rogue viscount...the two are so different, they just can't get along. Eventually, the two head to an estate left to Raleigh by his late great-uncle. But the estate turns out to be a seemingly haunted mansion, like one might find in a Gothic novel...Manga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Raleigh, a notorious playboy of London society, wakes up after drunkenly visiting a country vicarage to find Jane, the vicar's daughter, sleeping next to him. Without any memory of what happened, he marries her to uphold appearances. A vicar's daughter and a rogue viscount...the two are so different, they just can't get along. Eventually, the two head to an estate left to Raleigh by his late great-uncle. But the estate turns out to be a seemingly haunted mansion, like one might find in a Gothic novel...
Vol. 1
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