The Greek Boss's Demand

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Manga Author:
Sami Fujimoto Trish Morey
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Alex can’t believe her eyes when she enters her office. The black-haired man standing tall in front of her is none other than Nick Santos. Now the memories of the happy times and horrible breakup they had nine years ago in Crete have come back to haunt Alex. She wonders why Nick is at her real estate company in Sydney instead of leading his family empire in Greece. Soon she discovers that Nick is here to become the successor to the late CEO of the company, but she finds it impossible to work with him. That’s because she has kept a deep dark secret from him!
Manga Author:
Sami Fujimoto Trish Morey
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Alex can’t believe her eyes when she enters her office. The black-haired man standing tall in front of her is none other than Nick Santos. Now the memories of the happy times and horrible breakup they had nine years ago in Crete have come back to haunt Alex. She wonders why Nick is at her real estate company in Sydney instead of leading his family empire in Greece. Soon she discovers that Nick is here to become the successor to the late CEO of the company, but she finds it impossible to work with him. That’s because she has kept a deep dark secret from him!


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