The Rich Man's Royal Mistress

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Manga Author:
Robyn Donald Junko Okada
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Princess Melissa of Illyria is doing an internship in a travel lodge in New Zealand. One evening at the lodge, she delivers a meal to the royal suite and knocks on the door, upon which she hears a man's voice. In that moment, she remembers...that voice belongs to her brother's friend Hawke. She'd worked so hard to forget him, and thought she'd sealed those memories inside her heart forever. But seeing him again in such an unexpected  fashion brings back memories of how they met a year ago on the night of her cousin's wedding...
Manga Author:
Robyn Donald Junko Okada
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Princess Melissa of Illyria is doing an internship in a travel lodge in New Zealand. One evening at the lodge, she delivers a meal to the royal suite and knocks on the door, upon which she hears a man's voice. In that moment, she remembers...that voice belongs to her brother's friend Hawke. She'd worked so hard to forget him, and thought she'd sealed those memories inside her heart forever. But seeing him again in such an unexpected  fashion brings back memories of how they met a year ago on the night of her cousin's wedding...


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