Her Real-Life Hero

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Manga Author:
Trish Wylie Tomoko Sato
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Tara is a romance novelist who lives in a fantasy world. Even though she has no experience with real-life romance, her novels are very popular. Ever since that man moved into the house next door to her, she has been using him as the model for her next novel. She gives him the name “Jack Louis,” and shapes him to be the ultimate gentleman. She spends several days observing him from afar when he shows up at her house. “Hi, I'm Jack Louis, your next-door neighbor.” There's no doubt that it's him. How could this be? She hasn't shown her novel to anybody else. Could he have just leaped out of the pages?
Manga Author:
Trish Wylie Tomoko Sato
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Tara is a romance novelist who lives in a fantasy world. Even though she has no experience with real-life romance, her novels are very popular. Ever since that man moved into the house next door to her, she has been using him as the model for her next novel. She gives him the name “Jack Louis,” and shapes him to be the ultimate gentleman. She spends several days observing him from afar when he shows up at her house. “Hi, I'm Jack Louis, your next-door neighbor.” There's no doubt that it's him. How could this be? She hasn't shown her novel to anybody else. Could he have just leaped out of the pages?


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