Total 12 chapters 2 chapters FREE 5 chapters FREE for member
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Manga Author:
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Nicola's boss, Lang, is a stubborn, arrogant, and extremely handsome playboy. Whenever he loses interest in a lover, he sends her a red rose as a sign of farewell to get rid of her. It is always his secretary, Nicola, who arranges the flowers. What's so good about him? Even though she thinks so, Nicola is attracted to him because of his wild charm. Suddenly, her younger sister comes to live with her. She is a beautiful blond woman with a sexy figure, just the way Lang likes it. What if he is interested in her? Nicola's heart is racing...?
Manga Author:
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Nicola's boss, Lang, is a stubborn, arrogant, and extremely handsome playboy. Whenever he loses interest in a lover, he sends her a red rose as a sign of farewell to get rid of her. It is always his secretary, Nicola, who arranges the flowers. What's so good about him? Even though she thinks so, Nicola is attracted to him because of his wild charm. Suddenly, her younger sister comes to live with her. She is a beautiful blond woman with a sexy figure, just the way Lang likes it. What if he is interested in her? Nicola's heart is racing...?


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