Dante's Wedding Deception

Total 12 chapters 2 chapters FREE 4 chapters FREE for member
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Manga Author:
Day Leclaire Ellie Misono
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
When Kiley awakens in the hospital after her accident, the first person she sees is an absolutely gorgeous man. His name is Nicolo and he says that he’s her husband. Kiley has lost her memory and doesn’t remember a thing about her past or her family. She soon learns that Nicolo is a famous millionaire, but she gradually grows suspicious of her too-good-to-be-true situation, given that she’s not a celebrity and wouldn’t travel in the same social circles as Nicolo. So how on earth would they ever have met? As she searches for the truth behind her accident, what she finds is something she could never have expected!
Manga Author:
Day Leclaire Ellie Misono
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
When Kiley awakens in the hospital after her accident, the first person she sees is an absolutely gorgeous man. His name is Nicolo and he says that he’s her husband. Kiley has lost her memory and doesn’t remember a thing about her past or her family. She soon learns that Nicolo is a famous millionaire, but she gradually grows suspicious of her too-good-to-be-true situation, given that she’s not a celebrity and wouldn’t travel in the same social circles as Nicolo. So how on earth would they ever have met? As she searches for the truth behind her accident, what she finds is something she could never have expected!


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