The Sheikh's Wife

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Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
“Our divorce was never finalized… You’re still my wife.” When her ex-husband, Khalil, suddenly appears on her doorstop one day with those words, Bryn can hardly believe her ears. It’s been three years since she ran away from her husband, the ruler of the Middle Eastern kingdom of Zwar. She’d never gotten over her culture shock, and her days there had felt like a nightmare. She’d finally gotten out and started a life of her own…so what is Khalil doing here now? Laid bare by his seductive gaze, Bryn starts to tremble, terrified that he might take her son away from her.
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
“Our divorce was never finalized… You’re still my wife.” When her ex-husband, Khalil, suddenly appears on her doorstop one day with those words, Bryn can hardly believe her ears. It’s been three years since she ran away from her husband, the ruler of the Middle Eastern kingdom of Zwar. She’d never gotten over her culture shock, and her days there had felt like a nightmare. She’d finally gotten out and started a life of her own…so what is Khalil doing here now? Laid bare by his seductive gaze, Bryn starts to tremble, terrified that he might take her son away from her.


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