Painted the Other Woman
Total 12 chapters
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4 chapters FREE for member
Manga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
After her mother’s passing, Marisa moves to London and starts working as a janitor in an upscale apartment block. One day, in the elevator, she meets Greek multimillionaire Athan Teodarkis, who lives in the penthouse. The very next day he offers her a bouquet of flowers and invites Marisa to a play she’s been dying to see. Does he think she’s one of the wealthy inhabitants of the building? Marisa goes on dreamlike dates with Athan and falls in love with him even though she knows they come from different worlds—she even accepts an invitation to his Caribbean beach house. But Marisa has no idea about Athan’s despicable plans.Manga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
After her mother’s passing, Marisa moves to London and starts working as a janitor in an upscale apartment block. One day, in the elevator, she meets Greek multimillionaire Athan Teodarkis, who lives in the penthouse. The very next day he offers her a bouquet of flowers and invites Marisa to a play she’s been dying to see. Does he think she’s one of the wealthy inhabitants of the building? Marisa goes on dreamlike dates with Athan and falls in love with him even though she knows they come from different worlds—she even accepts an invitation to his Caribbean beach house. But Marisa has no idea about Athan’s despicable plans.
Vol. 1
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