A Latin Passion/The Italian Billionaire's Bride

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Manga Author:
Trish Morey Misuzu Sasaki
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
While working as a maid at the royal palace and hurrying up the stairs on her first day, Carmelina bumps into a handsome man, making her late for work. The man is Roberto, an old friend of her brother’s. He has returned to his home country after vowing to make his fortune and become a shining success. What should she say to him now that he’s a celebrity so far out of her reach? Her family is poor and their statuses are completely different now... This story (The Italian Billionaire’s Bride) takes place in the Principality of Montvelatte, an island kingdom in the Mediterranean Sea. Also included in this volume is the story A Latin Passion.
Manga Author:
Trish Morey Misuzu Sasaki
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
While working as a maid at the royal palace and hurrying up the stairs on her first day, Carmelina bumps into a handsome man, making her late for work. The man is Roberto, an old friend of her brother’s. He has returned to his home country after vowing to make his fortune and become a shining success. What should she say to him now that he’s a celebrity so far out of her reach? Her family is poor and their statuses are completely different now... This story (The Italian Billionaire’s Bride) takes place in the Principality of Montvelatte, an island kingdom in the Mediterranean Sea. Also included in this volume is the story A Latin Passion.


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