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Manga Tags:
Harlequin: NoblesMangaHarlequin: DesertRomance: FreeRomanceHarlequin: SheikhAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Polly goes to the desert kingdom of Dharia to look for her father. However, in the airport, she’s summarily seized and taken to the palace. There she meets the handsome King Rashad. His sharp eyes and dignified stature make Polly’s heart race. Then, while she’s staying at the palace, he suddenly proposes. Polly, whose heart has been captured by him, agrees to marry, but their relationship is merely a practical affair. To Rashad, the marriage fulfills a royal duty. Still, Polly believes that one day her love will reach him…Manga Tags:
Harlequin: NoblesMangaHarlequin: DesertRomance: FreeRomanceHarlequin: SheikhAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Polly goes to the desert kingdom of Dharia to look for her father. However, in the airport, she’s summarily seized and taken to the palace. There she meets the handsome King Rashad. His sharp eyes and dignified stature make Polly’s heart race. Then, while she’s staying at the palace, he suddenly proposes. Polly, whose heart has been captured by him, agrees to marry, but their relationship is merely a practical affair. To Rashad, the marriage fulfills a royal duty. Still, Polly believes that one day her love will reach him…
Vol. 1
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