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Manga Tags:
MangaRomance: FreeHarlequin: Forbidden LoveRomanceHarlequin: Family DisputeAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
In the gaming world exist two massive family-run companies. Cari is part of the Chandler family and Dec is from the Montrose family. Though they knew they were enemies, the two spent one forbidden night of passion together. Later, the two families are at war, each wanting to buy out the other. One emerges the victor, and it isn’t the Montrose family. Dec now wants to pick up where he and Cari left off long ago, but he betrays Cari’s expectations when he reveals that he only wants a physical relationship. His soft kisses melt her from within, but she mustn’t let him muddle her thinking. She can’t give in to Dec’s desires now because she still needs to reveal a secret to him that she’s been concealing for years!Manga Tags:
MangaRomance: FreeHarlequin: Forbidden LoveRomanceHarlequin: Family DisputeAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
In the gaming world exist two massive family-run companies. Cari is part of the Chandler family and Dec is from the Montrose family. Though they knew they were enemies, the two spent one forbidden night of passion together. Later, the two families are at war, each wanting to buy out the other. One emerges the victor, and it isn’t the Montrose family. Dec now wants to pick up where he and Cari left off long ago, but he betrays Cari’s expectations when he reveals that he only wants a physical relationship. His soft kisses melt her from within, but she mustn’t let him muddle her thinking. She can’t give in to Dec’s desires now because she still needs to reveal a secret to him that she’s been concealing for years!
Vol. 1
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