Total 12 chapters
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Manga Tags:
RomanceHarlequin: Family DisputeRomance: FreeAdapted from NovelMangaHarlequin: Struggling WommanManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
When her parents passed away six years ago, Beatrice gave up on her dreams to raise her brothers and sisters. Not only is she self-conscious about her appearance, but her family treats her like a servant. One night, while helping her sister with a party, she reunites with Elliot Chalmers, who tells her the painful truth—she isn’t being treated right. She tries to argue with him. She just can’t stand being around the man. If only she knew how Elliot really feels and that he and only wants what’s best for her.Manga Tags:
RomanceHarlequin: Family DisputeRomance: FreeAdapted from NovelMangaHarlequin: Struggling WommanManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
When her parents passed away six years ago, Beatrice gave up on her dreams to raise her brothers and sisters. Not only is she self-conscious about her appearance, but her family treats her like a servant. One night, while helping her sister with a party, she reunites with Elliot Chalmers, who tells her the painful truth—she isn’t being treated right. She tries to argue with him. She just can’t stand being around the man. If only she knew how Elliot really feels and that he and only wants what’s best for her.
Vol. 1
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