The Billionaire and the Stubborn Goddess

Total 12 chapters 2 chapters FREE 5 chapters FREE for member
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Manga Author:
Natsue Ogoshi
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
The only daughter of the Hearst family, Sharon, is a free-spirited eighteen-year-old and her greatest joy is climbing a great tree in her garden and looking out on her family’s home.  One day, she falls in love with the brand new, perfect butler, the very handsome Alfred. And her feelings for him only deepen when he ends up as her own personal tutor… But does Alfred feel the same, or does he have ulterior motives…?
Manga Author:
Natsue Ogoshi
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
The only daughter of the Hearst family, Sharon, is a free-spirited eighteen-year-old and her greatest joy is climbing a great tree in her garden and looking out on her family’s home.  One day, she falls in love with the brand new, perfect butler, the very handsome Alfred. And her feelings for him only deepen when he ends up as her own personal tutor… But does Alfred feel the same, or does he have ulterior motives…?


The worst! It’s not enjoyable if you writer make the FL like a garbage disposal, the ML easily married another only after a month the engagement broke off from his own stupidity believing the fake article and he knew it’s fake. He shamelessly came back to FL with reason he doesn’t really love his current wife that much. ML/FL having their stupid dreamy short life, then the bitch wife came pregnant, he just admitted it’s his, I mean he clearly saw his wife banging someone else, he should do DNA test, but he didn’t! alright he took the wife back, did he not notice how deeply hurt the fl from what he did, he f*** abandon fl AGAIN! the moment he found the bitch wife child not his, he ran to FL, omg who the f*** he think he is? he can’t do that, although he literally just did. I mean seriously even an animal more faithful than him! From everything he did, conclusion the ML is an incompetent asshole!! He’s messed up every decision he made, not wise at all, how the f*** that guy became a comp
Aug 14
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