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Manga Tags:
Romance: FreeHarlequin: Fateful EncounterMangaRomanceAdapted from NovelHarlequin: Memory LossHarlequin: Hurt/ComfortManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
After being injured from a run-in with a purse snatcher, Molly wakes up in a hospital bed with amnesia. A breathtakingly gorgeous man watches over her with a concerned expression. He introduces himself as her husband, Pietro, and says that Molly is pregnant with his child! While her memories are still missing, Molly lives a privileged life in his penthouse. However, her unease only grows. If they really are married, then why does Pietro sleep in a different room? When she discovers the reason, Pietro’s reaction leaves Molly at a loss for words…Manga Tags:
Romance: FreeHarlequin: Fateful EncounterMangaRomanceAdapted from NovelHarlequin: Memory LossHarlequin: Hurt/ComfortManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
After being injured from a run-in with a purse snatcher, Molly wakes up in a hospital bed with amnesia. A breathtakingly gorgeous man watches over her with a concerned expression. He introduces himself as her husband, Pietro, and says that Molly is pregnant with his child! While her memories are still missing, Molly lives a privileged life in his penthouse. However, her unease only grows. If they really are married, then why does Pietro sleep in a different room? When she discovers the reason, Pietro’s reaction leaves Molly at a loss for words…
Vol. 1
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