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Manga Tags:
Harlequin: DramaAdapted from NovelHarlequin: Loveless MarriageRomance: FreeHarlequin: Office LoveRomanceMangaManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Morgan Grady is said to be the sexiest bachelor in all of New York. Winnie was supposed to be his bride, but on their wedding day, she flees down the aisle, leaving him surrounded by all his guests. Just a month ago, she was an ordinary secretary for a company president. She knew that her feelings for her boss, Morgan, were pointless because he couldn’t even remember her name! She tried to convince herself it was just a contract, but there’s no way she can marry him like this!Manga Tags:
Harlequin: DramaAdapted from NovelHarlequin: Loveless MarriageRomance: FreeHarlequin: Office LoveRomanceMangaManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Morgan Grady is said to be the sexiest bachelor in all of New York. Winnie was supposed to be his bride, but on their wedding day, she flees down the aisle, leaving him surrounded by all his guests. Just a month ago, she was an ordinary secretary for a company president. She knew that her feelings for her boss, Morgan, were pointless because he couldn’t even remember her name! She tried to convince herself it was just a contract, but there’s no way she can marry him like this!
Vol. 1
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