Total 12 chapters
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Manga Tags:
Harlequin: NoblesMangaHarlequin: DramaRomance: FreeRomanceHarlequin: Family DisputeAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Caroline, the daughter of the noble Newbury family, never wanted to return to the place where she fell passionately in love with Luiz and had her heart broken. But in order to pay back her family’s debts and save them from bankruptcy, that’s exactly what she must do. Luiz owns her family’s debts, and he hasn’t changed one bit! His amber eyes still intoxicate her. So she’s already off balance when he makes her an unbelievable proposal. They’ll make a wager and if she wins, he’ll write off the entire debt. But if she loses…her bloodline will be his!Manga Tags:
Harlequin: NoblesMangaHarlequin: DramaRomance: FreeRomanceHarlequin: Family DisputeAdapted from NovelManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Caroline, the daughter of the noble Newbury family, never wanted to return to the place where she fell passionately in love with Luiz and had her heart broken. But in order to pay back her family’s debts and save them from bankruptcy, that’s exactly what she must do. Luiz owns her family’s debts, and he hasn’t changed one bit! His amber eyes still intoxicate her. So she’s already off balance when he makes her an unbelievable proposal. They’ll make a wager and if she wins, he’ll write off the entire debt. But if she loses…her bloodline will be his!
Vol. 1
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