Total 12 chapters
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Manga Tags:
Romance: FreeHarlequin: CountrysideAdapted from NovelHarlequin: VirginHarlequin: DoctorRomanceMangaManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Emma is beautiful and sophisticated, but she lives a simple and solitary life. Finding her to be an ideal woman, Jason decided to visit her at the candy store she runs and propose to her out of the blue. It turned out Emma had just been betrayed by her former fiancé. So Jason abandoned his sophisticated city life to open a private medical practice in the countryside, where he can spend time with each patient and enjoy a relaxing life. However, Emma wasn’t the traditional woman Jason thought she was, and their relationship took an unexpected turn.Manga Tags:
Romance: FreeHarlequin: CountrysideAdapted from NovelHarlequin: VirginHarlequin: DoctorRomanceMangaManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Emma is beautiful and sophisticated, but she lives a simple and solitary life. Finding her to be an ideal woman, Jason decided to visit her at the candy store she runs and propose to her out of the blue. It turned out Emma had just been betrayed by her former fiancé. So Jason abandoned his sophisticated city life to open a private medical practice in the countryside, where he can spend time with each patient and enjoy a relaxing life. However, Emma wasn’t the traditional woman Jason thought she was, and their relationship took an unexpected turn.
Vol. 1
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