Total 12 chapters
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Manga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
When his wife, Kendra, called to see him for the first time in two years, Dan's heart fluttered with joy; he wanted to get over the painful events of three years ago and start over. But as Dan rushed to the meeting place, he saw Kendra lying in cardiopulmonary arrest at the scene of the accident. As Dan ran over to her, to his surprise, she suddenly opened her eyes and said, "I'm Kendra's messenger." At the time, he didn't have time to think about her words that didn't make any sense, but Dan's doubts only increased when he saw how she acted afterwards...Manga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
When his wife, Kendra, called to see him for the first time in two years, Dan's heart fluttered with joy; he wanted to get over the painful events of three years ago and start over. But as Dan rushed to the meeting place, he saw Kendra lying in cardiopulmonary arrest at the scene of the accident. As Dan ran over to her, to his surprise, she suddenly opened her eyes and said, "I'm Kendra's messenger." At the time, he didn't have time to think about her words that didn't make any sense, but Dan's doubts only increased when he saw how she acted afterwards...
Vol. 1
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