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Manga Tags:
Romance: FreeAdapted from NovelHarlequin: Family DisputeHarlequin: Loveless MarriageRomanceMangaManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Mina is being pushed by her mother to marry a wealthy but abusive man in order to secure a big fortune for their family. Before the wedding, Mina is visited by Nathaniel Brunswick, a handsome American magnate whom she met at the hotel she worked at. Nate is willing to pay any amount to purchase a treasured sapphire ring that Mina is set to inherit. But the ring can only be inherited after Mina gets married. So Nate concocts a plan to both get the ring and free Mina from her upcoming marriage!Manga Tags:
Romance: FreeAdapted from NovelHarlequin: Family DisputeHarlequin: Loveless MarriageRomanceMangaManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
Mina is being pushed by her mother to marry a wealthy but abusive man in order to secure a big fortune for their family. Before the wedding, Mina is visited by Nathaniel Brunswick, a handsome American magnate whom she met at the hotel she worked at. Nate is willing to pay any amount to purchase a treasured sapphire ring that Mina is set to inherit. But the ring can only be inherited after Mina gets married. So Nate concocts a plan to both get the ring and free Mina from her upcoming marriage!
Vol. 1
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