Total 12 chapters
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Manga Tags:
RomanceRomance: FreeHarlequin: One-night Stand LoveAdapted from NovelMangaHarlequin: Secret Child/BabyHarlequin: Successful WomanManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
I’m an actress. I can play the part of a loving wife perfectly.Merida works at a gallery by day as she awaits her big break on Broadway. She is called in one day to show their newest exhibit to Ethan Devereux, youngest son of New York real estate royalty. Seeing his raven hair and piercing eyes, Merida struggles to keep her well-trained composure… When a night of passion with Ethan results in pregnancy, Merida finds herself married to this cold and stoic man, faced with the biggest role in her career yet—the part of a loving wife. With the entire world as her stage, can she succeed in keeping her act and her heart apart?
Manga Tags:
RomanceRomance: FreeHarlequin: One-night Stand LoveAdapted from NovelMangaHarlequin: Secret Child/BabyHarlequin: Successful WomanManga Genre:
Harlequin MangaManga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB CreativeManga Story:
I’m an actress. I can play the part of a loving wife perfectly.Merida works at a gallery by day as she awaits her big break on Broadway. She is called in one day to show their newest exhibit to Ethan Devereux, youngest son of New York real estate royalty. Seeing his raven hair and piercing eyes, Merida struggles to keep her well-trained composure… When a night of passion with Ethan results in pregnancy, Merida finds herself married to this cold and stoic man, faced with the biggest role in her career yet—the part of a loving wife. With the entire world as her stage, can she succeed in keeping her act and her heart apart?

Vol. 1
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