Total 12 chapters 2 chapters FREE 5 chapters FREE for member
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Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Sam Duggan is a sculptor who lives in a cottage on the coast. One day, she is shocked by a visitor who suddenly appears at her door. He looks just like her former lover, Damien, who died in an accident… But this is Aidan Harper, Damien’s brother and the millionaire manager of a successful hotel chain. Although Sam feels an irresistible attraction to him, she is also filled with unease. "He can never know that the child in my belly belongs to his brother…"
Manga Genre:
Harlequin Manga
Manga Publisher:
Harlequin / SB Creative
Manga Story:
Sam Duggan is a sculptor who lives in a cottage on the coast. One day, she is shocked by a visitor who suddenly appears at her door. He looks just like her former lover, Damien, who died in an accident… But this is Aidan Harper, Damien’s brother and the millionaire manager of a successful hotel chain. Although Sam feels an irresistible attraction to him, she is also filled with unease. "He can never know that the child in my belly belongs to his brother…"


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