Niwa-kun's Love and Rampage

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Manga Author:
Tanaka Tadano
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Manga Story:
Tsubasa, 16-years-old, a high-schooler who has no friend or lover.
Due to his natural scary face, he even often get accused of shoplifting and other crimes. For him, happy high school life is just a fantasy. One day, Noah, a blonde and handsome Canadian student moved to Tsubasa's class. His bright and friendly personality instantly made him popular... But why did he approach, and hold the timid Tsubasa's hands instead?!
"You are my angel!"
"I want to get to know you"
"You are so cute, Tsubasa."
Began from an awkward friendship to a more-than-platonic love...
"Niwa-kun's Love and Rampage" will certainly warm your day!
Manga Author:
Tanaka Tadano
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Manga Story:
Tsubasa, 16-years-old, a high-schooler who has no friend or lover.
Due to his natural scary face, he even often get accused of shoplifting and other crimes. For him, happy high school life is just a fantasy. One day, Noah, a blonde and handsome Canadian student moved to Tsubasa's class. His bright and friendly personality instantly made him popular... But why did he approach, and hold the timid Tsubasa's hands instead?!
"You are my angel!"
"I want to get to know you"
"You are so cute, Tsubasa."
Began from an awkward friendship to a more-than-platonic love...
"Niwa-kun's Love and Rampage" will certainly warm your day!


The love story develops slowly and this is very good since many yaoi or BL stories are very fast but the only thing that I would want from this is another free chapter
Apr 26
thumb_up 8
So fun to read Niwa-kun's so cute
Jun 25
thumb_up 8
I seriously love it no lie I'm just waiting until they kissssss~
and when black hair dude (Forgot his name T^T) says I like you.
Feb 03
thumb_up 15