I Am Your Secret Letter!-record of a covert love struggle-

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Manga Author:
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
fujossy comic
Manga Story:
"Numasuke, a shinobi in a town in Edo Japan, accepts secret letters from the Roju (elder of the town) to deliver to the young Tono (Lord of the town). Numasuke is ordered to never have the letter robbed or the contents read by others. He is then suddenly “hugged” by the elder and told to “convey this message too”.

Numasuke accepts that it must be an important code and conveys the “hug” to the Lord, but receives a “kiss” from the Lord in return…?

What is the fate of Numasuke as the orders gradually become more radical…?!

Shinobi, Roju and Tono love triangle. It’s a new style Feudal Japan BL!"
Manga Author:
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
fujossy comic
Manga Story:
"Numasuke, a shinobi in a town in Edo Japan, accepts secret letters from the Roju (elder of the town) to deliver to the young Tono (Lord of the town). Numasuke is ordered to never have the letter robbed or the contents read by others. He is then suddenly “hugged” by the elder and told to “convey this message too”.

Numasuke accepts that it must be an important code and conveys the “hug” to the Lord, but receives a “kiss” from the Lord in return…?

What is the fate of Numasuke as the orders gradually become more radical…?!

Shinobi, Roju and Tono love triangle. It’s a new style Feudal Japan BL!"


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