Sweet Intruder

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Manga Author:
Kurara Bon
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.
Manga Story:
Kazushi becomes a recluse after everyone in school finds out he’s in love with another boy. He’s alone with the exception of Hinohara, who comes to check on him nearly every day. One day, Kazushi gets suspicious when Hinohara gives up and goes home faster than usual...
Manga Author:
Kurara Bon
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.
Manga Story:
Kazushi becomes a recluse after everyone in school finds out he’s in love with another boy. He’s alone with the exception of Hinohara, who comes to check on him nearly every day. One day, Kazushi gets suspicious when Hinohara gives up and goes home faster than usual...


Kamon ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
Short & sweet. Loved the LI's expressions!
May 29
thumb_up 6
it was awesome
Jan 19
thumb_up 4