Since the Day I Met You

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Manga Author:
Kii Yugine
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.
Manga Story:
Shinobu spends every day wasting his time away, leading an unhealthy life. One day he sees polar opposite Yuto, the next star of soccer, giving it his best at practice. Shinobu is taken in as he watches Yuto practice......
Manga Author:
Kii Yugine
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.
Manga Story:
Shinobu spends every day wasting his time away, leading an unhealthy life. One day he sees polar opposite Yuto, the next star of soccer, giving it his best at practice. Shinobu is taken in as he watches Yuto practice......


Hi as in real life you should go for love not just sex with love sex is so much more >
Jun 14
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