Your Rhythym, My Rhyme

Total 2 chapters 1 chapter FREE
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Manga Author:
Kii Yugine
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.
Manga Story:
On the roof of his college, Nishimura practices his dance moves. One day, he is seen by Goto, a classmate from the same department. It seems Goto likes to dance and is pretty skillful, too! The two guys hit it off, but then Goto says he won’t dance anymore...
Manga Author:
Kii Yugine
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.
Manga Story:
On the roof of his college, Nishimura practices his dance moves. One day, he is seen by Goto, a classmate from the same department. It seems Goto likes to dance and is pretty skillful, too! The two guys hit it off, but then Goto says he won’t dance anymore...

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