I Hate that I Love You

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Manga Author:
Kii Yugine
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.
Manga Story:
Naoki’s neighbor Wataru was, and always will be, his first love. But when the guy he long-admired gets a little brother named Ryotaro, their relationship must grow to accommodate three. Will Wataru be stolen away from him? Is this the end?
Manga Author:
Kii Yugine
Manga Genre:
Yaoi Manga
Manga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.
Manga Story:
Naoki’s neighbor Wataru was, and always will be, his first love. But when the guy he long-admired gets a little brother named Ryotaro, their relationship must grow to accommodate three. Will Wataru be stolen away from him? Is this the end?


Anime girl
I love this story it's soo beautiful and heartwarming I'm in love with the two main characters
Nov 23
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