Daddy's Boyfriend
Total 7 chapters
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Manga Tags:
Yaoi: FamilyYaoi: SweetYaoi: AnthologyYaoi:FreeYaoi:Boys' LoveYaoi: CompleteYaoi: FreeYaoi: Raising ChildrenManga Author:
Luca YoshinoManga Genre:
Yaoi MangaManga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.Manga Story:
Mr. Iori is a divorced single dad and has a son who’s in kindergarten. To comfort him, Mr. Iori’s subordinate, Hayakawa, prepares him a delicious lunch. Mr. Iori is flattered by the daring approach from the young and handsome Hayakawa, but...... This is a compilation of bittersweet love stories that play on the theme of adult sensibilities.Manga Tags:
Yaoi: FamilyYaoi: SweetYaoi: AnthologyYaoi:FreeYaoi:Boys' LoveYaoi: CompleteYaoi: FreeYaoi: Raising ChildrenManga Author:
Luca YoshinoManga Genre:
Yaoi MangaManga Publisher:
Shobunkan Co., Ltd.Manga Story:
Mr. Iori is a divorced single dad and has a son who’s in kindergarten. To comfort him, Mr. Iori’s subordinate, Hayakawa, prepares him a delicious lunch. Mr. Iori is flattered by the daring approach from the young and handsome Hayakawa, but...... This is a compilation of bittersweet love stories that play on the theme of adult sensibilities.
Vol. 1
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