Unparalleled Beauty - The Way Back to the Palace
Current 150 chapters
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Manga Author:
aki.7Manga Genre:
Shojo MangaManga Publisher:
MaranoManga Story:
"It's her against the world.She's a martial arts world champion. He's a top celebrity. But when she's accidentally reincarnated as his fiancée, she becomes the most hated girl by his fans who's shrouded by a dark past! Even if the world is against her, Lin Fan vows to never give up."
Manga Author:
aki.7Manga Genre:
Shojo MangaManga Publisher:
MaranoManga Story:
"It's her against the world.She's a martial arts world champion. He's a top celebrity. But when she's accidentally reincarnated as his fiancée, she becomes the most hated girl by his fans who's shrouded by a dark past! Even if the world is against her, Lin Fan vows to never give up."