Maria x Maria
Total 41 chapters
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32 chapters FREE for member
Manga Author:
Kaoru KawakataManga Genre:
Shonen MangaManga Publisher:
Kaoru KawakataManga Story:
Legend has it that males in the Seryo household are bound to be luckless when it comes to women. Masaki Seryo, a 15-year-old high school student, is a testament to this. As he hopes to leave his nagging female-dominated family behind and moves to the dorms, he falls into an even more baffling situation involving the same thing he's attempted to escape—women.Manga Author:
Kaoru KawakataManga Genre:
Shonen MangaManga Publisher:
Kaoru KawakataManga Story:
Legend has it that males in the Seryo household are bound to be luckless when it comes to women. Masaki Seryo, a 15-year-old high school student, is a testament to this. As he hopes to leave his nagging female-dominated family behind and moves to the dorms, he falls into an even more baffling situation involving the same thing he's attempted to escape—women.
Vol. 1
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Vol. 2

Vol. 3

Vol. 4

Vol. 5

Vol. 6