Jadou: The Corrupt Path

Total 43 chapters 1 chapter FREE 31 chapters FREE for member
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Manga Author:
Shigeru Tsuchiyama
Manga Genre:
Seinen Manga
Manga Publisher:
Manga Story:
World of Ramen has never been an easy path, but "Tenshukaku" sailed to the absolute top thanks to the unbeatable entrepreneur and cooking skill of Tatsuya Kamijo. However, after his sudden death, the wife and the four managers were left with a crisis, not knowing how to keep the monstrous legacy. Around the same time, Goro Sawada, the former salaryman, Mamoru Katsube, the son of a ramen shop, and a college drop-out Shinsuke Hyodo entered the drifting Tenshukaku to achieve their Master Ramen dream. But their ambitions were being hindered by corruption and foul play from within and outside the business... Will they persist the gallant path or will they finally surrender to the corrupted?
Manga Author:
Shigeru Tsuchiyama
Manga Genre:
Seinen Manga
Manga Publisher:
Manga Story:
World of Ramen has never been an easy path, but "Tenshukaku" sailed to the absolute top thanks to the unbeatable entrepreneur and cooking skill of Tatsuya Kamijo. However, after his sudden death, the wife and the four managers were left with a crisis, not knowing how to keep the monstrous legacy. Around the same time, Goro Sawada, the former salaryman, Mamoru Katsube, the son of a ramen shop, and a college drop-out Shinsuke Hyodo entered the drifting Tenshukaku to achieve their Master Ramen dream. But their ambitions were being hindered by corruption and foul play from within and outside the business... Will they persist the gallant path or will they finally surrender to the corrupted?


Yet a another masterprice
Jun 21
thumb_up 4
POST ENDING EDIT: He's done it again, ending the series in a single chapter just as the story was picking up. This happened with his manga Super Food Bowl as well, and it makes me wonder if this is due to a strict publisher. It's especially bad because there's absolutely no buildup, as if he was just told one week to make the final chapter, leaving us readers with a case of narrative whiplash. Well, it was a fun ride I suppose. Let's hope our author has more success in the future.

I was skeptical at first because the central theme of the story is not so much about the food as it is business practice, which isn't want I thought I wanted. However, after the first 10 or so chapters, I was completely hooked. HIGHLY recommended if you like food manga, as it has plenty of that, but stays away from the overdone "Cooking/Eating Battle" trope.
Jun 13
thumb_up 2
Justin Andrew Mason
Corporate espionage in the noodle biz. :D I got a kick out the plot. It's presented as a serious story, but is incredibly silly, and I kind of like that.
Sep 09
thumb_up 3
Wide-eyed Wander
I didn't feel very invested in the characters as they kind of lacked layers of personality of me. But the art of the food is definitely well done.
Aug 24
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